Septic Tanks

The Complete Solution

If your septic tank is smelly and your experiencing blockages it is because there is insufficient bacteria in your tank that is needed to degrade the waste properly. 

Not only are chemicals harmful to the environment, they only masque the smell and do not target the cause of the problem. 

Eco Tabs™ carefully selected non-pathogenic aerobic BACTERIA eats away the organic solids that cause those pesky odours.  Eco Tabs™ oxygenate the tank changing it from an anaerobic to an aerobic state, removing that rotten egg smell.

Maintaining your septic system is as easy as dropping one tablet into your tank once a month, or simply flush down any internal toilet. 

How It Works

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What effect does my septic tank have on the environment?

The effluent stream from a typical household contains a large amount of Nitrogen and Phosphorous which are concentrated nutrients.  In a typical anaerobic septic tank, these compounds are not broken down efficiently and end up leaching out into the soil, ground water and rivers.  This has been identified as a major contributor to the ill health of many of Australia’s waterways in terms of poor water quality, algal blooms and ‘fish kills”.

Why are there foul odours in my garden and in my drains?

Accumulations of organic solids and grease within your septic tank create an ideal environment for anaerobic decomposition (without oxygen) to take place.  The by-product of this process is Hydrogen Sulphide with smells like rotten eggs.  Aerobic breakdown (oxygenated) on the other hand produces Carbon Dioxide as a by-product which is completely odourless.  Odour emissions from your septic tank are a clear indication that is unhealthy and requires assistance due to lack of beneficial bacteria in the system.

Why are my pipes blocked and not draining properly?

Over time, your septic tank will accumulate large amounts of organic solids and grease.  This accumulation will eventually lead to your wastewater backing up in the pipes.  Eco Tabs ™ efficient aerobic bacterial breakdown of these solids will prevent blocking.

Why is there sewage water leaching from the ground?

Oils and greases flushed down your drains (even in small amounts) tend to accumulate within your septic tank.  Eventually this is forced through to the effluent absorption part of your system which eventually gets clogged up and will result in leaching.  This can be further worsened by the use of enzyme based additives.

Where should I apply the Eco Tabs™?

There is a specific location for each application in which you would want to apply our tablets for optimal inoculation. In general, for a system that utilises flow to move the waste (grease traps, wastewater facilities) you want to position the tablets so the current passes through a plume of oxygen that our tablets create.  For an application that retains the waste for further pumping or treatment (portable toilet, manure retention tank) evenly distribute the Eco Tabs™ to insure treatment of the entire tank.  Start in the middle of the tank and then distribute the necessary dosage to areas without treatment.

Can I flush my ‘Clean Out Product” down the toilet as I cannot access my septic tank?

Yes you can!  We do advise, if you have access, to put the product directly into the septic tank however, if you cannot access it we can supply a “Flush Clean-Out” option which is applied directly into the toilet bowl.

If you have already ordered and the goods have not been shipped yet, please call us and we will change the order at no additional cost.

If the goods have been shipped, we suggest the following: Break the tablets into 4 pieces and flush them down the toilet.  Open the sachet of shock granular and flush down an internal loo.  The best time to seed the bacteria down the internal loo is at night before bed.  Once flushed, this gives the bacteria a chance to clean the pipes on the way to the septic tank.

This method might take slightly longer to clean the septic, but it will work.  It is very important to use the maintenance product to keep your tank clean.

Do I need to take the plastic packing off the product?

No, the plastic is hydro-soluble.  Simply add the product directly as it is into the septic tank.  Be careful when handling the product with wet hands as the plastic will dissolve and the shock will start falling out of the packet.

Why is it important to treat my septic tank ecologically?

The effluent from a septic tank leaches out into the soil and then is passed into the rivers.  This is a major contributor to ill health, poor water quality and pollution in our world today.

Eco Tabs™ not only treat your septic tank, it continues it’s natural cleaning with the water leaving the tank.  This bacterial rich water assists nature in cleaning the streams, rivers, dams and the sea where it flows into.  The bacteria then come part of nature’s food chain.

What are the ingredients of Eco Tabs™

Eco Tabs are a highly concentrated mixture of naturally occurring Non-Pathogenic bacteria and Non-Toxic ingredients.  This is a truly ecological product that actually works!

Eco Tabs are therefore not harmful to humans, fish, birds, animal or plant life.

Nature Treating Nature.

See the MSDS Data Sheets under the ‘Products’ tab for more info.

Which cleaning products are suitable to be used with Eco Tabs™ Septic?

Any ecologically friendly product can be used.  The product will come with a statement that they are suitable for a septic tank.  Do not use any products which contain harmful chemicals or are bactericides, i.e. anti-bacterial, when treating with Eco Tabs™.  If over used, these will kill out natural bacteria rendering the product ineffective.

Manufacturers of cleaning products normally don’t state on their packaging if it is Eco Friendly or not.  The general rule is, if it does not state it is for Fosse Septique friendly – then it is not.

Wet wipes are never biodegradable in the short term.  They take years to decompose and should not be flushed in the septic tanks system.

Do I need any safety clothing or gear to handle Eco Tabs™?

Eco Tabs™ are non-toxic and non-pathogenic, therefore, no special equipment is needed for dosing.  All of the ingredients of an Eco Tab™ are already part of your daily life.  (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sugar etc.)

We do however recommend that when you are working close to the Septic Tank, you take additional care to ensure that you are not exposed to any Safety Risks.


What Our Clients Say

"I have been using Eco Tabs on an ecosafe system for over a year now. My last system check was fantastic. The service person stated my system was in the top 5% of the many systems he services, even better than the aerated ones. He is very impressed how the product works and lowers sludge levels. He said its law to have chlorine in exhaust but stated you could almost drink the exhausted water. Thank you Eco Tabs."

Grant Howard,
Mooloolah Valley, QLD

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Septic Tank Clean-Out Pack Plus Maintenance Tablets
from A$208.00