

Over the last 6 months Stephan and the team at BioTech Water have worked hard to provide us with a practical solution for reducing the nutrient levels at our pond based aquaculture facility.  During this time they have delivered the results expected in the time frame required, while at the same time being easy to work and get along with.

Thanks again for your help!

Rob McKendrick
Sealord King Reef Barramundi


“We have been using Stephan Coetser’s wastewater treatment services since 2012, we engaged Stephan initially due to issues keeping our effluent water levels within the ideal range and a costly sludge build up problem in our aerobic pond.

Stephan initially conducted a pond survey, taking in and out water samples for analysis to tailor the dosage of bacteria, and sludge depth measurements to benchmark and verify progress along the way.  We started out with an intensive desludging program, which over the course of a few months proved to be very successful.  Stephan diligently monitored progress over the period, communicated progress and generated reports showing the reduction in sludge and improving water quality.

Fast forward 7 years and results to date are spectacular!  With Stephan’s assistance, we have been able to reduce our wastewater treatment costs (mechanical sludge removal and maintenance dosing of bacteria) reduce our energy consumption (new efficient aerators) and continue to meet our water treatment target costs and parameters almost effortlessly.  Stephan has proven to be absolutely reliable with any issues that we have faced, and BioTech Water will continue to be our go to for wastewater treatment in the future.”

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Henry Hart
John Dee Warwick Pty Ltd



Smart Treatment is Such Good News…

An environmentally friendly change to operations at the Warwick Wastewater Treatment Plant has resulted in significant savings, according to the Southern Downs Regional Council.

Since July last year, the council has been working with BioTech Water (formerly OBQ Pty Ltd) to improve the treatment process at the treatment plant. The project has involved the use of ‘Eco-Tabs’, an environmentally friendly proprietary product that keeps wastewater treatment plants running efficiently.

Southern Downs water and wastewater manager Tendekai Mapeza said that trialling the use of Eco-Tabs had been very successful. “Using Eco-Tabs has improved the quality of our tertiary water,” he said. “Not only that, but we have seen significant savings to the costs of our wastewater operations. “An annual chemical saving of over $34,000 and electricity cost saving of over $11,000 has been achieved by using Eco-Tabs.”

Southern Downs wastewater treatment supervisor David Neal said that using the Eco-Tabs had reduced the need for frequent and costly operations at the plant. “There’s been a reduction in bio solids being generated and there is also thicker sludge in the sedimentation tank,” Mr Neal said “It’s pretty clear that there has been an increase in the overall system efficiency. “If the council continues to use this product, there will be reduced use of chemicals and electricity, and the recovery time of the bioreactor after sudden shock inflows from the catchments is also now eight times faster. Recovery used to take two hours before.”

Eco-Tabs are simply dropped into the wastewater treatment tanks. The tablets fall to the bottom of the tank and dissolve slowly over time to oxygenate the water, which then reacts with the toxic contaminants to turn them into non-toxic substances and remove odours.

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Published in Warwick
Stanthorpe News online 03.08.2016



To Whom it May Concern,

This reference serves to confirm that the Dubbo City Council has been using Eco Tabs and Shock in various Sewage Pump Stations and Raised Mains since October 2012.  We have noted that the stations have been maintained without any organic solids or grease accumulations.  Since starting our treatment with Eco Tabs, we have been advised not to manually clean the stations so the tablets can work more efficiently.  These stations previously required bi-weekly manual cleaning.  In addition, we have noted mass reductions in H2S levels and corrosion in areas of our system where Eco Tabs and Eco Shock have been used.

We are very pleased with the performance of the Eco Tabs technology and look forward to the continued use thereof within our network.

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Glen Clifford
Water Operations Treatment Supervisor, Dubbo City Council



To Whom it May Concern,

This letter serves to verify the results of a combined project carried out over a 6-month period from May to October 2011 between Eco Tabs NZ and Western Bay of Plenty District Council.  We used Eco Tabs to remove settled sludge from one section of our lined wetland ponds at one of our wastewater treatment plants and can confirm that the product has fulfilled all expectations in respect of:

1.    Confirmation of Eco Tabs ability to degrade settled sewage sludge effectively
2.   Monitoring final effluent for any signs of deterioration or improvement in effluent quality resulting from the treatment

After two months of treating we observed a definite improvement in water clarity in the test pond as well as reduced surface scum and no oily layer on the surface.

In summary at the end of the treatment we had the ponds surveyed and from the results of the sludge survey it is clear that the application of Eco Tabs brought about a sludge density decrease up to 50%.

Based on the independently derived results we concluded that Eco Tabs effectively removed organic sludge.We have decided, based on this result, to treat the entire treatment plant starting with the in-flowing raw sewage.We are expecting the entire plant to benefit from this approach as there should be not only a reduction of already accumulated organic sludge, but no sludge build up in the long term.

Yours faithfully,

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Ulrich Glasner & Peter Edwards
Utilities Asset Manager | Operations Manager



Dear Rodney Genricks,

A significant problem encountered by dairies is the removal of fats, oils and grease from wastewater before it enters the municipal wastewater.

Our use of Eco Tabs products over the past three years, supported by proactive Eco Tabs assistance enabled us to cope very well with the problem.

An upgrade to our plant necessitated the building of a completely new Waste Water remediation system.

With the assistance of Eco Tab’s and Rod Genricks and his team, a new made-for-purpose system incorporating a series of tanks with a siphon system was designed and integrated into our current effluent system.

This has proved to be extremely efficient and hassle-free.  The result is that our effluent discharge is well within required legal limits.  I would go so far as to say that the results achieved have allowed us to seriously look at the reuse of our Eco Tabs treated water for cleaning purposes.

The happy result is that effluent-based fines have ceased, saving the company a substantial amount of money while allowing us to become responsibly ‘green’.

We are happy for Eco Tabs to use the solution they proposed and implemented into Mayo for referrals and marketing purposes as a possible solution for other dairies and food industries.


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Henk Van Der Hyde
Mayo® Dariy



Dear Mr. O’Malley,

I wanted to provide you an update regarding your product, Eco H, in our Drilling and Operating projects in the Northeaster United States.

Through the use of Eco H we have been able to be very active in dealing with our own inevitable minor spill incidents.  This enables us to realise a savings in doing so.  As any Driller/Operator will tell you, accidents happen, and they are always an expense.  Being able to reduce time and money spent, and promptly provide an efficacious clean-up process has helped us to improve the quality of our operations, and to become an even more responsible member of the communities that we operate.

We have found Eco H to be excellent for eliminating the persistent odour of spilled hydrocarbons, and for the rapid reduction in Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) present in contaminated mediums.

Thank you again for bringing this unique product to our attention, and we will certainly continue to use your product and ensure we always have available inventory on hand for our operations going forward.


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Lewis Fromkin



“To whom it may concern”

This letter serves to confirm the successful completion of the desludging project using Eco Tabs on our Aerobic Renoir Pond at Harvey Beef from 13 August 2013 to 19 December 2013.

We engaged the use of the Eco Tabs technology in order to prevent possible damage to our pond lining if we were to use convention manual methods, as well as avoid prohibitive costs associated with manual desludging.

We found the Eco Tabs desludging process to be cost effective and very efficient.  In addition to the 98.5% reduction in sludge volumes achieved, we have also noticed significant improvements in the quality of effluent leaving our Renoir pond.  We have seen a +50% reduction in Nitrogen levels and +75% reduction in suspended solids leaving the Renoir pond.

We are very pleased with the performance of the Eco Tabs technology and will certainly make use of it going forward.

We would certainly recommend the use of Eco Tabs for any desludging projects or for the improvement of wastewater treatment system efficiency.

If you have any questions relating to the project conducted at Harvey Beef, please feel free to contact.

Kind regards,

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Kye Chinnery
Senior Environmental Officer Harvey Beef – Harvey, WA



Mr Jeff Kaufman,

“I would like to thank you for introducing your product Eco Tabs™ to YLNI Brands.  We have reviewed the information presented to us regarding the use of Eco Tabs and find their product to be suitable for use in our Florida franchise locations.  The benefits of using the Eco Tabs™ in store locations include:

·       Cost savings

·       Increased equipment efficiency

·       Safe, non-hazardous and environmentally friendly

·       Mitigation of odours and reduction of FOG, N20, and BCD levels

By Using the Eco Tab™ products in our grease traps this will silt in keeping our traps cleaner and help eliminate noxious odours originating in the trap locations.

Thank you Jeff in working with us regarding our grease trap maintenance.


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Burt Srebrenik
Central Florida KFC, Inc



Just dropping you a letter on how the CCSW Oakwood facility is performing since the use of Eco-tab products last year.

We started the program on May 21, 2010. Initially I was skeptical on how this product was going to work. I had used bacterial based products in the past to little result. Then, ironically we ran into a high flow period during the seeding process of Eco-tabs, but eventually the program fell into place. I did come to realize that it takes at least a month of running the program until significant results were observed. During this initial seeding and dosage adjustment period, the representatives from Eco-tabs were very helpful in operational changes that took place at our facility.

They have quite a team of experts from various fields, including wastewater operations. Overall, we are impressed with what Eco-tabs has done at the plant.

You had asked about sludge and odor. The most noticeable results of Eco-tabs occurred in the second month of treatment. By June the tons of sludge we normally disposed of started to reduce, and overall costs to offload sludge began to slowly decline. We also noticed an almost immediate reduction in the stench that came from our dated ponds. We were (and are) very happy about that.

Our treatment plant is unique in the sense that we have a very limited amount of sludge storage space. We have to shut air off on both digesters and decant them daily. This daily process is requiring less time since the use of Eco-tabs. Also we are able to hold a higher percentage of solids in the digesters without compromising settle-ability.

Overall, the use of Eco-tabs has lessened the sludge disposal costs to the point where it is not costing us any money to run the program with the Eco-tab products, and we still have some money to spare.

But for us, the real results came from the data from testing of the BOD5. We gathered samples reflecting a reduction from 833.3 mg/l influent to 52.5 mg/L system effluent (a 93.7% total system reduction in BOD5)! Prior to this, we had rarely shown results below 400 mg/l effluent.

If I can be of any assistance, you can always call me.


John F. Ferrara, M.S., OIT2
Plant Operator / Oakwood